陈辰,女,博士,博导,硕导,入选中国科协青年人才托举工程,为四川省海外高层次留学人才,四川大学“好未来”优秀学者,中国岩石力学与工程学会兼职副秘书长、中国大坝工程学会库坝渗流与控制专业委员会委员、中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会通讯委员,Journal of Hydrology, Landslides,Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,Geofluids等SCI期刊长期审稿人。主要从事岩土体渗流特性及工程安全、堰塞体溃决模拟及链生灾害防治等领域的研究与实践,作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年科学基金项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、四川省重点研发项目等多项国家级、部省级及重大工程科研项目。相关研究成果在 Journal of Hydrology, Engineering Geology, Geotechnique 等国际权威期刊发表 SCI 论文50余篇,获 2022 年四川省科学技术进步奖一等奖等重要奖励。
1. 2020.10-至今,四川大学,水利水电学院,副研究员
2. 2018.09-2020.10,四川大学,水利水电学院,特聘副研究员
3. 2014.8-2018.8,香港科技大学,土木工程专业(全额奖学金),获博士学位,导师张利民教授
1. Xiang Lu, Liang Wang, Chen Chen*, Jiankang Chen, Jingren Zhou, Jun Deng, Study on the influence mechanism of material damage on the cavitation erosion properties of hydraulic concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 400, 2023, 132849. (中科院1区Top)
2. Chen, C., Wang, YL., Zhang, JM., Zhang, Han*., Li, HY., & Chen, Q. (2023). A preliminary study of landslide dam failures induced by the combined influence of piping and overtopping. Journal of Hydrology, 624, 129984. (中科院1区Top)
3. Chen, C., & Zhang, L. (2023). Hydro-mechanical behaviour of soil experiencing seepage erosion under cyclic hydraulic gradient. Géotechnique, 1-13. (中科院1区Top)
4. Chen, C., Li, H., Chen, J*., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., & Tang, X. (2022). Overtopping and flood routing process of landslide dams consisted of ice-soil mixtures: A preliminary study. Journal of Hydrology, 127252. (中科院1区Top)
5. Chen, C., Zhang, L. M., & Shen, P. (2020). Influence of mineral dissolution on the mechanical behaviour of a granular assembly under complex stress states. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 136, 104546. (中科院1区Top)
6. Chen, C., Zhang, L*., Xiao, T., & He, J. (2020). Barrier lake bursting and flood routing in the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon in October 2018. Journal of Hydrology, 583, 124603. (中科院1区Top)
7. Lu, X., Chen, C*., Dong, K., Li, Z., & Chen, J. (2021). An equivalent method of jet impact loading from collapsing near-wall acoustic bubbles: A preliminary study. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 105760. (中科院1区Top).
8. Wu, Z., Chen, C*., Lu, X., Pei, L., & Zhang, L. (2020). Discussion on the allowable safety factor of slope stability for high rockfill dams in China. Engineering Geology, 105666. (中科院1区Top).
9. Lu, X., Chen, C*., Li, ZF., Chen, JK., Pei, L., & He, K. (2022). Bayesian Network Safety Risk Analysis for the Dam–foundation System Using Monte Carlo Simulation. Applied Soft Computing, 126: 109229. (中科院1区Top)
10. Lu, X., Wang, L., Chen, C*., Chen, JK., Zhou, JR., Deng, J. (2023). Study on the influence mechanism of material damage on the cavitation erosion properties of hydraulic concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 400, 132849. (中科院1区Top).
11. Wang, B., Sha, Y., & Chen, C*. (2022). Landslide Dam Breaching and Outburst Floods: A Numerical Model and Its Application. Journal of Hydrology, 609: 127733. (中科院1区Top)
12. Xiang, X., Chen, C*., Wang, H., Lu, H., Zhang, H., & Chen, JK. (2023). A real‑time processing method for GB‑SAR monitoring data by using the dynamic Kalman filter based on the PS network. Landslides, 20, 1639–1655. (中科院2区).
13. Chen, C., Zhang, L. M.*, Pei, L., & Wu, Z. Y. (2020). Soil Deformations Induced by Particle Removal under Complex Stress States. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146(9), 04020085. (中科院2区).
14. Chen, C., Zhang, L. M., and Chang, D. S. 2016. Stress-Strain Behavior of Granular Soils Subjected to Internal Erosion. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 142(12), 06016014. (中科院2区).
15. Chen, C., Zhang, L. M., and Chang, D. S. 2017. Closure to “Stress-Strain Behavior of Granular Soils Subjected to Internal Erosion” by C. Chen, LM Zhang, and DS Chang. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 143(9), 07017020. (中科院2区).
16. Chen, C., Lu, X., Li, J., Chen, J., Zhou, Z., & Pei, L. (2021). A novel settlement forecasting model for rockfill dams based on physical causes. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 1-16. (中科院3区).
17. Chen, C., Zhang, L. M., and Zhu, H. 2017. A Photographic Method for Measuring Soil Deformations during Internal Erosion under Triaxial Stress Conditions. Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASCE, 41(1), DOI: 10.1520/GTJ20170031. (中科院4区).
18. Xiang, X., Chen, C*., Wang, H., Xing, C., Chen, JK., & Zhu, H. (2022). An Improved Method of GB-SAR Phase Unwrapping for Landslide Monitoring. Frontiers in Earth Science, Vol.10. (中科院3区).
19. Dong, K., Li, Z., Lu, X., Chen, C*., Sheng, J., Chen, J., & Wu, Z. (2021). Analysis of Dam Overtopping Failure Risks Caused by Landslide-Induced Surges Considering Spatial Variability of Material Parameters. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 579. (中科院3区).
20. Zhenyu Wu, Chen Chen, Yanhao Zheng, Jiankang Chen, Kang Bian, Junru Li*, Analysis of seepage failure probability for high core rockfill dams during rapid drawdown of reservoir water level, Journal of Hydrology, 633, 2024, 131046.(中科院1区Top)
21. Li, JR., Chen, C., Wu, ZY*., & Chen, JK. (2023). Multi-source data-driven unsaturated seepage parameter inversion: Application to a high core rockfill dam. Journal of Hydrology, 617, 129171. (中科院1区Top).
22. Zhou X, Chen C, Chen J*, et al. 2021, Evaluation Method of Synergy Degree for Comprehensive Benefits System of Hydropower Projects[J]. Sustainability, 13(19): 10770. (IF:3.473, 中科院4区).
23. Zou, Y., Chen, C., & Zhang, L*. (2020). Simulating progression of internal erosion in gap-graded sandy gravels using coupled CFD-DEM. International Journal of Geomechanics, 20(1), 04019135. (IF: 3.969, 中科院2区).
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