李君,女,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,四川大学“双百人才”。2020年6月博士毕业于四川大学建筑与环境学院,同年7月入职四川大学水利水电学院。主要从事高级氧化水处理技术研发与过程调控、流域水环境治理与修复相关研究工作,在Appl. Catal. B: Environ.、Water Res.、Chem. Eng. J.、J. Hazard. Mater.等期刊发表SCI论文40余篇(以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文18篇,中科院一区论文17篇),10篇入选ESI 1%高被引论文,主持国家自然科学基金、四川省自然科学基金等项目,入选四川大学高影响力学者培育计划,四川大学优秀本科毕业论文指导教师,曾获高廷耀环保科技发展基金会青年博士生杰出人才奖、奥加诺(水质与水环境)奖、唐孝炎环境科学创新奖、紫金全兴环境基金优秀学子奖、硕/博士研究生国家奖学金等多项奖励。
[1] Hailing Zhao, Yi Ren, Chao Liu, Longguo Li, Naiwen Li, Bo Lai, Jun Li*, In-depth insights into Fe(III)-doped g-C3N4 activated peracetic acid: Intrinsic reactive species, catalytic mechanism and environmental application, J Hazard Mater, 459 (2023)132117. (中科院1区,IF= 14.224)
[2] Ge Gou, Yanchun Huang, Yuesen Wang, Chao Liu, Naiwen Li, Bo Lai, Xia Xiang, Jun Li*, Peroxymonosulfate activation through magnetic Fe3C/Fe doped biochar from natural loofah sponges for carbamazepine degradation, Sep Purif Technol, 306 (2023) 122585. (中科院1区,IF= 9.136)
[3] Jun Li, Weifang Huang, Lingxiao Yang, Ge Gou, Chengyun Zhou, Longguo Li, Naiwen Li, Chao Liu, Bo Lai, Novel Ag3PO4 modified tubular carbon nitride with visible-light-driven peroxymonosulfate activation: A wide pH tolerance and reaction mechanism, Chem Eng J, 432 (2022) 133588. (中科院1区,IF= 15.100)
[4] Jun Li, Ge Gou, Hailing Zhao, Chao Liu, Naiwen Li, Longguo Li, Bo Tan, Bo Lai, Efficient peroxymonosulfate activation by CoFe2O4-CeO2 composite: Performance and catalytic mechanism, Chem Eng J, 435 (2022) 134840. (中科院1区,IF= 15.100)
[5] Jun Li, Lingxiao Yang, Bo Lai, Chao Liu, Yuxin He, Gang Yao, Naiwen Li, Recent progress on heterogeneous Fe-based materials induced persulfate activation for organics removal, Chem Eng J, 414 (2021) 128674. (中科院1区,IF= 15.100)
[6] Jun Li, Jianfei Yan, Gang Yao, Yunhong Zhang, Xiang Li, Bo Lai, Improving the degradation of atrazine in the three-dimensional (3D) electrochemical process using CuFe2O4 as both particle electrode and catalyst for persulfate activation, Chem Eng J, 361 (2019) 1317-1332. (中科院1区,IF= 15.100)
[7] Jun Li, Yanjian Wan, Yangju Li, Gang Yao, Bo Lai, Surface Fe(III)/Fe(II) cycle promoted the degradation of atrazine by peroxymonosulfate activation in the presence of hydroxylamine, Appl Catal B-environ, 256 (2019) 117782. (中科院1区,IF= 22.100)
[8] Jun Li, Mengjuan Xu, Gang Yao, Bo Lai, Enhancement of the degradation of atrazine through CoFe2O4 activated peroxymonosulfate (PMS) process: Kinetic, degradation intermediates, and toxicity evaluation, Chem Eng J, 348 (2018) 1012-1024. (中科院1区,IF= 15.100)
[9] Jun Li, Yi Ren, Leiduo Lai, Bo Lai, Electrolysis assisted persulfate with annular iron sheet as anode for the enhanced degradation of 2, 4-dinitrophenol in aqueous solution, J Hazard Mater, 344 (2018) 778-787. (中科院1区,IF= 14.224)
[10] Jun Li, Qi Liu, Qngqing Ji, Bo Lai, Degradation of p-nitrophenol (PNP) in aqueous solution by Fe0-PM-PS system through response surface methodology (RSM), Appl Catal B-environ, 200 (2017) 633-646. (中科院1区,IF= 22.100)
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,22106109,2022.01-2024.12,主持
2. 四川省自然科学青年基金,2022NSFSC1073,2022.01-2023.12,主持
3. 四川大学引进人才科研启动经费,YJ202062,2020.09-2023.09,主持
4. 四川省科技厅科技创新苗子工程,2019084,2019.07-2020.07,主持
Email: drlijun@scu.edu.cn
地址:四川省成都市一环路南一段24号 电话:(028)85401154 四川大学水利水电学院 . 版权所有
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