栏目导航 V

戚顺超,博士,副教授,博导(2022)/硕导(2020)四川省海外高层次人才项目青年项目入选者,卡尔顿大学兼职研究教授。从事非饱和土固结理论、滑坡机理、冰土石混合体力学行为、岩土智能算法模型等方面的研究工作。主持国自然青基1项、国重研专题2项,省国际合作面上1项,及10余项重大横向项目。参加\"973\"国家科技计划1项,中-加国自然基金等项目4项。在土力学权威期刊Geotechnique, JGGE, Can. Geo. J.及学术会议发表论文50余篇, SCI 30篇, 总引 1000 余次。申请发明专利20余项、软著4项。担任Geotechnique等期刊审稿人,中国土木工程学会非饱和土与特殊土专业委员会常务委员。获2017加拿大渥太华地区研究生最佳演讲奖。在国际上较早地建立了非饱和土大变形固结理论,开发的程序UNSATCON在世界著名岩土咨询公司-Golder Associates得到了应用,为尾矿处置、边坡稳定评估、现代大坝智能建造等提供了一定的技术支撑。


2018 -至今   副教授,四川大学

2017-2018   博士后,渥太华大学&卡尔顿大学(加拿大)



2013-2017. 博士, 岩土工程, Ottawa U.(加拿大).   (导师:Prof. Sai K. Vanapalli & Prof. Paul H. Simms)

2010-2013. 硕士, 岩土工程, 浙江大学(导师:凌道盛教授)

2006-2010. 学士, 水电工程, 四川大学


1. 四川省特聘专家、四川省高层次人才引进计划

2. Adjunct Research Professor at Carleton University (Canada) -https://carleton.ca/cee/profile/shunchao-qi/







1. National Key Research and Development Program of China, Novel Technology of Prevention of the landslides and engineering Slope in Expansive Soils, 2020.01-2023.12, 1360 million RMB, In process, Leading researcher of a sub-project (480,000 RMB).【国家重点研发计划,2019YFC1509801,膨胀土滑坡和工程边坡新型防治技术研究,2020.01-2024.12,专题负责人】

2. Sichuan Provincial International Science and Technology Collaboration & Innovation Project(2020YFH0092): The stability analysis of tailings dam/impoundment based on consolidation behavior of unsaturated tailings and its failure mechanism. 【四川省国际科技创新合作面上项目(2020YFH0092):非饱和尾矿固结机理和尾矿坝失稳机制及稳定性评价研究,2020.01 – 2022.12,主持。】

3. The coupled hydro-mechanical behaviors of unsaturated soils and landslide mechanism in reservoir slopes during water level fluctuations. 2020.01 – 2023.01, In progress, Leading researcher. 【国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(51909182),水位变动下岸坡欠饱和土体水力耦合效应及滑坡机理研究,2020.01 – 2023.01,主持。】

4. National Key Research and Development Program of China, 2018YFC1508601, research on formation, collapse mechanism and collapse process of landslide Dam, 2019.01-2021.12, 3.46 million RMB, In process, Leading researcher of a sub-project (700,000 RMB). 【国家重点研发计划,2018YFC1508601,堰塞体形成与溃决机理及溃决过程研究,2019.01-2021.12,专题负责人】

5. Sichuan University for a first-class university special fund, 2019.01-2021.12, 120,000 RMB, In progress, Leading researcher. 【四川大学建设一流大学专项基金,2019.01-2021.12,主持。】

6. Sichuan University talent introduction funds, 2018.01-2021.01, 300,000 RMB, In progress, Leading researcher. 【四川大学人才引进经费,2018.01-2021.01,,主持。】

7. Collaborative Research and Development Grant (led by Prof. Paul H. Simms), Long term dewatering of polymer amended mature fine tailings, 2017.01-2021.12, $2 million canadian dollars, In progress, participant. 【加拿大科研发展合作基金(Collaborative Research and Development Grant), Long term dewatering of polymer amended mature fine tailings,2017.01-2021.12,200万加元。】

8. National Natural Science Foundation of Canada (NSERC) (led by Prof. Paul H. Simms), Unsaturated flow in and large strain consolidation of tailings, 2013.01-2017.12, completed, participant. 【加拿大国家自然科学基金 (NSERC),2013.01-2017.12,已结题,主研。】

9. National Natural Science Foundation of Canada (NSERC). Stability Analysis of an Expansive Soil Slope Subjected to Wetting and Drying Cycles, 2012.01-2017.12, completed, participant. 【加拿大国家自然科学基金 (NSERC),2012.01-2017.12,已结题,主研。】

10.National Basic Research Program of China (\"973\" Program), 2014CB047005, Disaster Mechanism and Prevention and Control Technology of MSW Landfill, 2014.01-2018.12, completed, participant. 【国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973”计划)项目,2014CB047005,城巿固体废弃物填埋场环境灾害孕育机理与防控技术,2014.01-2018.12,已结题,参加。】


Referred Journal

Shunchao Qi. Paul Simms. Robust methods to estimate large strain consolidation parameters from column experiments. Canadian Geotechnical Journal (2020).

Li, D., Qi, Shunchao., Wang, Y., Zhou, J., Simms, P., & Yao, Q. (2024). Probabilistic analysis of one-dimensional large-deformation consolidation considering permeability relationship\'s variability. Engineering Geology331, 107451.

Chen, X., Qi, Shunchao., Paul, S., Wang, Y., Ling, D., & Yang, X. (2023). Large-deformation consolidation models of saturated–unsaturated materials under self-weight and evaporation. Journal of Hydrology617, 129130.

Shunchao Qi, Xuanquan Chen, Paul Simms, Jiawen Zhou, and Xingguo Yang. New method for determining the permeability function parameters of soft soils considering synchronous sedimentation and consolidation. Computers and Geotechnics (2020) 127,103781.

Shunchao Qi, Daosheng Ling, Qiang Yao, Gongda Lu, Xingguo Yang, and Jia-wen Zhou. Evaluating slope stability with 3D limit equilibrium technique and its application to landfill in China. Engineering Geology (2020): 105939.

Shunchao Qi, Paul Simms, Farzad Daliri, and Sai Vanapalli. Coupling elasto-plastic behaviour of unsaturated soils with piecewise linear large strain consolidation. Géotechnique (2020), 70, no. 6 (2020): 518-537.

Shunchao QI, Sai K. Vanapalli. (2018) Simulating Hydraulic and Mechanical Responses of Unsaturated Expansive Soil Slope to Rainfall: Case Study. International Journal of Geomechanics.

Shunchao QI, Paul Simms, Sai Vanapalli, (2018) Discussion of “From saturated to unsaturated conditions and vice versa” by Martí Lloret-Cabot, Simon J. Wheeler, Jubert A. Pineda, Enrique Romero, and Daichao Sheng (https://doi. org/10.1007/s11440-017-0577-6). Acta Geotechnica, 1-3.

Shunchao QI, Paul Simms, Sai K. Vanapalli. (2017). Piecewise-linear formulation of coupled large-strain consolidation and unsaturated flow. I: Model development and implementation. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 143(7), 04017018.

Shunchao QI, Paul Simms, Sai Vanapalli, and Sahar Soleimani. (2017). Piecewise-linear formulation of coupled large-strain consolidation and unsaturated flow. II: testing and performance. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 143(7), 04017019.

Shunchao QI, Sai K. Vanapalli. Influence of swelling behavior on the stability of an infinite unsaturated expansive soil slope, Computers and Geotechnics, 2016. 76: 154-169. DOI: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2016.02.018

Shunchao QI, Sai K. Vanapalli. Hydro-mechanical coupling effect on surficial layer stability of unsaturated expansive soil slopes, Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 70: 68-82.

Shunchao QI, Sai K. Vanapalli. Stability analysis of an expansive clay slope: a case study of infiltration-induced shallow failure of an embankment in Regina, Canada. International Journal of Geohazards and Environment, 2015, 1(1):7-19.

Ling Daosheng, Qi Shunchao, Chen Feng, Li Nan. A limit equilibrium model based on Morgenstern-Price method for 3D slope analysis, Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering. 2013, 32(1):107-116. (EI)

Zhong Shiying, Huang Genqing, Qi Shunchao, et al. Interface property between soft landing foot pad and simulant lunar soil[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2013, 34(4): 1058-1062.

Conference publication

Shunchao QI, and Vanapalli, S. K. Numerical study on expansive soil slope stability considering the effect of swelling behaviour and cracks. In Proceedings of the 2015 Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Guilin, China.

Shunchao QI, and Vanapalli, S. K. Numerical analysis of slope stability in expansive soil: a case study of field test in Henan province, Canada. In Proceedings of the 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, Québec City, Canada.

Sai K. Vanapalli, Shunchao QI. The effect of swelling behavior on the surficial layer stability of an expansive soil slope. 2014 international conference on expansive soil engineering techniques, Keynote lecture, Wuhan, China. 2014.

Oh, W. T. Vanapalli, S. K. Shunchao QI, and Han, Z. (2016). Stability of an unsaturated vertical trench. 2016 European Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Paris, France.

Oh, Won Taek, Sai K. Vanapalli, Shunchao Qi, and Zhong Han. Estimation of the variation of matric suction with respect to depth in a vertical unsaturated soil trench associated with rainfall infiltration. In E3S Web of Conferences, vol. 9, p. 15003. EDP Sciences, 2016.

Shunchao QI, Paul Simms (2016). A Coupled Large Strain Consolidation–Unsaturated Flow Model for Subaerially Deposited Tailings Management.

Shunchao QI, Paul Simms, Sai K. Vanapalli, F. Daliri (2016). A coupled large strain consolidation-unsaturated flow model for tailings deposition analysis. In Proceedings of the 69th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Vancouver City, Canada.

Penghai Yin, Shunchao Qi & Sai K. Vanapalli. A Framework for Predicting the Depth of Desiccation-induced Cracks in Clayey Soils. In Proceedings of the 69th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Vancouver City, Canada.

Shunchao Qi, Paul Simms. Muhammad Salam. (2017). Modelling thixotropy at short and long-time scales in dewatering analyses for soft soil or tailings. In Proceedings of the 70th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Ottawa, Canada.

Shunchao Qi, Sai Vanapalli. (2017). Slope Stability Analysis of Expansive Soils under Rainfall Infiltration using the VADOSE/W and SLOPE/W. In Proceedings of the 70th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Ottawa, Canada.

Shunchao Qi, Wiliam Thomas, Paul Simms Nuri Hmidi. Hydro-geotechnical analysis of a thickened tailings deposit in Northern Canada. Tailings and Mine Waste 2017. in Banff, Canada.


Shunchao Qi, Paul Simms. “User’s Manual for UNSATCON” (2019).

戚顺超,周家文,李亮,蔡耀军,杨兴国,陈骎. 著作权人:四川大学、长江勘测规划设计研究有限责任公司. Three Dimension Slope Stability Analysis 分析软件V1.0,流水号 2019R11L1071650,受理号 2019R11S1113587,登记号:2019SR1223953,中国(软件著作权),登记时间:2019年11月27日

戚顺超,周家文,李亮,蔡耀军,杨兴国,费文平. 著作权人:四川大学、长江勘测规划设计研究有限责任公司,UNSATCON----Creep formulation 分析软件V1.0,流水号 2019R11L1075527,受理号 2019R11S1087377,登记号:2019SR1231603,中国(软件著作权),登记时间:2019年11月28日

戚顺超,姚强, 徐永福, 陈辉驰,陈宣全,李洪涛,杨兴国. 四川大学. Slope stability analysis of expansive soils under rainfall 分析软件V1.0, 流水号, 受理号, 登记号:2020SR0849144,中国(软件著作权),登记时间:2020年07月30日

戚顺超,陈宣全,周家文,杨兴国,范刚,鲁功达,姚强,四川大学, 基于数值结果挖掘的确定松散颗粒材料渗透性的方法,中国,201910856804.4 (专利)

戚顺超, 叶汀, 姚强, 周家文, 鲁功达, 范刚, 杨兴国,四川大学, 一种大变形松散材料固结渗透性能求解方法,中国,202010664755.7,(专利)

戚顺超,陈宣全,周家文, 杨兴国, 范刚, 鲁功达, 姚强,四川大学, 基于固定拉格朗日坐标系建立非饱和大变形固结分析数学模型的方法,202010624582.6(专利)

陈宣全,戚顺超,周家文,杨兴国,范刚,四川大学,测定高含水量沉积物从悬浮到固结状态渗透系数的方法,中国, 201910534411.1, (专利)


1.    24-Oct-2015, Guilin conference on ‘Slope Stability’, at Guilin, China

2.    05-Oct-2015, Geo-Quebec conference on ‘Slope Stability’, at Quebec, Canada

3.    05-Oct-2016, Geo-Vancouver conference on ‘UNSATCON’, at Vancouver, Canada

4.    11-Oct-2016, Student presentation for COSIA/NSERC workshop on ‘UNSATCON’, at Calgary, Canada

5.    05-Oct-2017, Geo-Ottawa conference on ‘UNSATCON’, at Ottawa, Canada

6.    08-Oct-2017, Tailings and Mine Waste conference on ‘UNSATCON’, at Banff, Canada

7.    16-Oct-2017, Student presentation for COSIA/NSERC workshop on ‘UNSATCON’ at Calgary, Canada

8.    01-Mar-2017, 41st Annual Michael Bozozuk Student Forum, Presentation competition, 2nd place, on UNSATCON and Slope Stability, at Kingston, Canada. The Best Competitor from Ottawa

9.    10-Mar.-2018, Workshop Deep Deposit, UNSATCON, Calgary

10.  12-Apr.-2018, Perth Australia

11.  15-Aug-2018 Unsat2018 on ‘UNSATCON’ at HongKong, China,

12.  12-May-2019 Beijing, SiDRR Conference 2019 on ‘Slope Stability’, at Beijing, China,

13.  05-Jun-2019 Nanjing, Hehai meeting on ‘Slope stability’ at Nanjing, China

14.  03-11-2019, 第三届“连续-非连续数值分析方法及应用”学术研讨会, UNSATCON,成都,中国

15.  12-19-2020, 国家重点研发年度进展研讨会;堰塞体结构特性,绵竹,中国


1.     Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering - ASCE

2.     India Geotechnical Journal – Springer

3.     Computers and Geotechnics – Elsevier

4.     Environmental Geotechnics – ICE

5.     Journal of Mountain Science – Springer

6.     International Journal of GEOMATE

7.     Engineering Geology – Elsevier

8.     Advances in Civil Engineering

9.     Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk

10.   Advanced Engineering Science, 工程科学与技术(原四川大学学报(工程科学版))

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