栏目导航 V




2013年7月至今:            四川大学水利水电学院水工系任教,副教授

2016年8月:                  公派赴德国克劳斯塔尔工业大学访问交流


主要从事大体积混凝土温控防裂、大坝安全监控和工程风险分析等领域的科研与实践。主持科研项目二十余项,在《computers and geotechnics》、《Reliability Engineering and System Safety》、《工程科学与技术》和《岩土力学》等国内外知名学术刊物上发表论文50余篇,授权发明专利2项。讲授本科《水工钢筋混凝土及砌体结构》等课程。获第五届全国水利类专业青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖、水利类专业教学成果特等奖、四川大学教学成果一等奖和四川大学优秀青年教师等奖励。



(1) Liang Pei, Chen Chen, Kun He, Xiang Lu; System reliability of a gravity dam-foundation system using Bayesian networks, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2022,218: 108178.

(2) Xiang Lu; Liang Pei*; Songtao Peng; Xiang Li; Jiankang Chen; Chen Chen; Hydration, hardening mechanism, and performance of tuff normal concrete, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2021, 33(5): 04021063.

(3) Liang Pei; Jiankang Chen; Jingren Zhou*; Huibao Huang; Zhengjun Zhou; Chen Chen; Fuhai Yao; A fractal prediction method for safety monitoring deformation of core rockfill dams, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, 2021: 6655657.

(4) Kun He; Liang Pei*; Xiang Lu; Jiankang Chen; Zhenyu Wu; Research and application of critical failure paths identification method for dam risk analysis, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, 2020: 4103804.

(5) Yongfei Wang; Dingbin Shen; Jiankang Chen; Liang Pei*; Yanling Li; Xiang Lu; Lei Zhang; Research and application of a smart monitoring system to monitor the deformation of a dam and a slope, Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020, 2020: 9709417.

(6) Qinqin Guo; Liang Pei*; Zhengjun Zhou; Jiankang Chen; Fuhai Yao; Response surface and genetic method of deformation back analysisfor high core rockfill dams, Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 74(4): 132-140.

(7) L. Pei, J.-K. Chen, Z.-Y. Wu, Y.-L. Li & H. Zhang,Response surface genetic algorithm of back analysis of concrete thermal parameters[J], Materials Research Innovations,2015(19)S8:840-845

(8)高山,陈建康,陈立宝,吴震宇, 裴亮*. 高温炎热地区碾压混凝土重力坝温控防裂研究[J]. 人民长江,2020,51(05):154-159.

(9)尹金超,赵泽鹏,张瀚, 裴亮*,陈建康,卢祥. 复杂地基下重力坝抗滑稳定可靠度分析[J]. 水电能源科学,2020,38(11):80-84.

(10)袁艳玲,彭松涛,陈建康,高策, 裴亮*. 基于温控仿真的RCC重力坝施工期开裂风险分析[J]. 长江科学院院报,2018,35(10):148-152.

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