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王路,四川蒲江人,研究员,博士生导师,山区灾害风险预警与防控应急管理部重点实验室副主任,四川省欧美同学会澳新分会副会长,农工民主党四川省委长江生态环境保护民主监督专家工作组成员。主要从事山区河流泥沙运动与灾害防治方面的研究,发表论文30余篇,近五年以第一或通讯作者在Science、Water Resources Research、Journal of Hydrology、Journal of Hydraulic Engineering等行业内权威期刊发表SCI论文17篇,国内卓越期刊2篇。参与编写美国土木工程师协会ASCE工程规范专著《Scour at Channel-Control Structures》。获得美国土木工程师协会J.C. Stevens奖、四川大学“学术新人奖”,入选四川省特聘专家、四川大学“双百人才工程”、“青年科技学术带头人培育项目”等。主持自然科学基金面上、青年项目、国家重点研发计划子课题等纵向科研课题7项,主研第二次青藏高原综合科学考察子专题、国家自然科学基金联合基金重点支持项目等重大重点类项目3项。

Dr. Lu Wang is now an Associate Professor in Sichuan University, his research focuses on sediment related fluvial disasters of mountainous rivers. He has published over 30 papers in the recent five years, including 17 papers on the leading peer-reviewed journals such as Science, Water Resources Research, Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. Dr. Wang is a winner of the ASCE J.C. Stevens Award, and has been selected as a Special Expert of Sichuan Province. He is now in charge of seven research projects and two consultant projects.

教育经历(Education background

2014.11 - 2018.11, 奥克兰大学 土木工程专业 (博士,导师:Bruce Melville)

2011.09 - 2014.06, 四川大学 水力学及河流动力学专业 (硕士,导师:刘兴年)

2007.09 - 2011.06, 西昌学院 水利水电工程专业 (本科)

2014.11 - 2018.11, The University of Auckland, PhD

2011.09 - 2014.06, Sichuan University, Master Degree

2007.09 - 2011.06, Xichang College, Bachelor Degree

工作经历(Working experience

2018.12-,四川大学(Sichuan University) 副研究员(Associate professor)

2017.08 - 2018.07, 奥克兰大学(The University of Auckland)助研 (Research assistant)

2015.03 - 2018.06, 奥克兰大学(The University of Auckland)助教(Teaching assistant)

研究兴趣(Research interests

1. 山洪水沙灾害(Sediment-related flash flood disaster)

2. 河流冲刷下切机理与防治技术(Riverbed degradation and grade control)

3. 河流泥沙通量监测技术(Fluvial sediment flux monitoring)

代表性科研项目(Selected research grants

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(NSFC General Program),52279074, 强人类扰动下复式河道冲刷下切机制研究, 2023-01至2026-12月,在研,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(NSFC Young Scientist Funding),51909177, 非恒定流、不平衡输沙条件下的矮堰基础冲刷机理研究, 2020-01至2022-12月,结题,主持

3. 国家重点研发计划项目(Sub-project of National Key R&D Program of China),2019YFC1510700,山区暴雨山洪水沙灾害预报预警关键技术研究与示范,2020-01至2022-12,结题,子课题负责人

4. 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究子专题(Sub-project of Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Program),2019QZKK020401,水系固体物质通量观测及推移质多源信号智能采集系统研发,2019-11至2022-10,在研,子任务负责人

5. 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目,U20A20319,震后龙门山山前河流剧烈冲刷下切机理与防治技术研究,2021-01至2024-12,在研,主研(排名第3)

近期代表性论文(Recent selected publications

1. Lu Wang; Ruihua Nie; Louise J. Slater; Zhonghou Xu; Dawei Guan; Yifan Yang*; Education can improve response to flash flood, Science, 2022, 377(6613): 1391-1392.

2. Lu Wang; Limei Zhao; Chao Liu; Ruihua Nie; Effects of sediment supply on scour at submerged grade control structures. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 622: 129729.

3. Lu Wang; Bruce W. Melville; Zhonghou Xu; Asaad Y. Shamseldin; Weiming Wu; Xiaofan Wang; Ruihua Nie*; Massive riverbed erosion induced by inappropriate grade control: A case study in a large-scale compound channel, Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 612: 128313.

4. Ruihua Nie; Hongru Liang; Bruce W. Melville; Asaad Y. Shamseldin; Lu Wang*; Scour at river crossing cylindrical structures in degrading channels, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2023, 149(3): 05022008.

5. Wen Zhang; Ruihua Nie; Bruce W. Melville; Colin N. Whittaker; Asaad Y. Shamseldin; Xingnian Liu; Lu Wang*; Failure of rock weirs due to rock dislodgements, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2023, 1-13 (online).

6. Dawei Guan; Lu Wang*; Li Ma; Bruce W. Melville; Fluctuating frequency of live bed scour depth around submerged weirs at equilibrium stage, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2022, 148(4): 06022001.

7. Lu Wang; Bruce W. Melville; Asaad Y. Shamseldin; Ruihua Nie*; Impacts of bridge piers on scour at downstream river training structures: submerged weir as an example, Water Resources Research, 2020, 56(4): e2019WR026720.

8. Lu Wang*; Bruce W. Melville; Colin N. Whittaker; Dawei Guan; Temporal evolution of clear-water scour depth at submerged weirs, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2020, 146(3): 06020001.

9. Lu Wang*; Bruce W. Melville; Colin N. Whittaker; Dawei Guan; Scour estimation downstream of submerged weirs, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2019, 145(12): 06019016.

10. Lu Wang*; Bruce W. Melville; Dawei Guan; Colin N. Whittaker; Local scour at downstream sloped submerged weirs, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2018, 144(8):

学术兼职(Committees, professional groups and services

美国土木工程师协会ASCE会员,担任SCI期刊Sustainability编委(JCR环境科学2区),长期担任国际知名水利工程期刊Water Resources Research、Journal of Hydraulic Engineering、 Journal of Hydraulic Research等审稿人。

所获奖励(Distinctions and honours

1. J.C. Stevens Award, 美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)

2. 四川省特聘专家, 中共四川省委组织部、四川省人社厅

3. 四川大学“学术新人奖”

4. 第五届IAHR国际浅水流会议“最佳报告奖”

5. 第2届水灾害防治与水环境调控国际会议WDWE2021 “优秀论文奖”

6. 优秀学生联谊会干部,中国驻奥克兰总领事馆

7. 国家公派奖学金, 国家留学基金委


邮箱 (Email):wanglu@scu.edu.cn

Research Gate:  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lu_Wang265

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