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1.Pu,Xunchi; Ran li, Kefeng Li, Ruifeng Liang*. 2018, Laboratory and field evaluation of solubility control on aluminum during Al-bearing acid rock discharge treatment. Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology, Vol 17,(Accepted).

2.Yali Yu, Xunchi Pu*, Ran Li, Hong Jiang, Yong Li, 2015. A Study on the Quantitative Measurement method of Organoleptic Chromaticity for Sandy Water. Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology.  Vol14(4): 909-914.

3.Pu, Xunchi, 2012. Chemical Precipitation of Aluminum-bearing Acid Rock Discharge: Aluminum speciation resulting from acid rock discharge treatment with NaOH(M). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrücken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8484-2625-6.

4. Pu, Xunchi, 2012. Pentachlorophenol Bioremediation: effects of soil propertied and microbial source on PCP bioremediation(M). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrücken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8484-1476-5.

5.Pu, XC, Vasquez, O., Monnell, J.D., and Neufeld, R. D., 2010. Speciation of aluminum precipitates from acid rock discharges in central Pennsylvania, Accepted for publication, Environmental Engineering Science, 27(2): 169-180.

6.Pu, Xunchi, and Cutright, Teresa*, 2007, Degradation of Pentachlorophenol by Pure and Mixed Cultures in Two Different Soils, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. Int. 14 (4), pp: 244-50.

7.Pu, Xunchi, and Cutright,Teresa*, 2006, Sorption-Desorption Behavior of PCP on Soil Organic Matter and Clay Minerals, Chemosphere, 649(6): 972-983.

8. Vazquez, Oscar, Monnell, Jason D., Pu, Xunchi, and Neufeld, Ronald D., 2010. Major processes dominating the release of aluminum from smectite clays when leached with AMD. Environmental Engineering Science. Vol 28(3):163-169. 

9. Vazquez, O., Pu, XC., Monnell, J., Neufeld, R., 2010, Release of Aluminum from Clays in an Acid Rock Drainage Environment, Mine Water and the Environment, Vol 29(4) :270-276.

10. Ronald D. Neufeld, Xunchi Pu, Oscar Vasquez, 2011, Soluble and Total Aluminum after NaOH Neutralization of Acid Rock Discharges. WEFTEC in Los Angles, 2011(2).


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