[1] Bai R., Zhou M., Yan Z., Zhang J., and Wang H. (2023). Flow measurement by vegetated weirs: an investigation on discharge coefficient reduction by crest vegetation. Journal of Hydrology. (Accepted)
[2] Hu H., Wang H., Pan D., Wang X., and Bai, R(通讯作者). (2023). Free-surface undulation and velocity turbulence in shallow undular hydraulic jumps. Ocean Engineering, 269: 113566.
[3] Liu, X., Bai, R(通讯作者), and Liu, S. (2023). Air entrainment scale effects in chute aerator flows, European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids. 99, 163-172.
[4] Bai, R., Tang, R., and Wang, H. (2023). Pre-aerated classic hydraulic jump downstream a partly-stepped chute, Journal of Hydraulic Research.(10.1080/00221686.2022.2161961)
[5] Wang, H., Tang, R., Bai, Z., Liu, S., Sang W., and Bai, R(通讯作者). (2023). Prototype air-water flow measurements in D-type hydraulic jumps, Journal of Hydraulic Research.(10.1080/00221686.2022.2132310)
[6] Bai, R., Bai, Z., Wang, H., and Liu, S. (2022). Air-water mixing in vegetated supercritical flow: Effects of vegetation roughness and water temperature on flow self-aeration, Water Resources Research, 58(2): e2021WR031692. 影响因子6.1.
[7] Bai, R., Ning, R., Wang, H., and Liu, S. (2022). Hydraulic jump on a partially vegetated bed, Water Resources Research, 58: e2022WR032013. 影响因子6.1.
[8] Bai, R., Tang, R., and Wang, W. (2022). Closure to “Case Study of Prototype Hydraulic Jump on Slope: Air Entrainment and Free-Surface Measurement”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 148(11), 07022007.
[9] Bai, R., Wang, H., and Liu, S. (2022). Rates of bubble diffusion and turbulence dissipation in highly aerated hydraulic jumps, Water Management (Proceedings of the ICE). 175(5): 233-246.
[10] Bai, R., Zhang, F., Wang, W., and Liu, S. (2022). Air concentration distribution in the impact zone of spillway aerator, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 34(1): 156–161.
[11] Wang, H., Bai, Z., Liu, S., and Bai, R(通讯作者). (2022). Self-aeration of supercritical water flow rushing down artificial vegetated stepped chutes, Water Resources Research, 58(2): e2021WR031719. 影响因子6.1.
[12] Wang, H., Bai, Z., Liu, X., Bai, R(通讯作者)and Liu, S. (2022). Flow aeration and surface fluctuations in moderate-slope stepped chute: from aeration inception to fully developed aerated flow, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 60(6): 944–958.
[13] Liu, X., Liu, S., Tian, Z., and Bai, R(通讯作者). (2022). Aeration performances in the bottom and lateral near-wall regions of open channel flows downstream a bottom offset aerator, Water Management (Proceedings of the ICE).
[14] Bai, R., Wang, H., Tang, R., Liu, S., and Xu, W. (2021). Roller characteristics of pre-aerated high-Froude-number hydraulic jumps. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 147(4), 04021008.
[15] Wang, H., Liu, X., Bai, R.(通讯作者), and Liu, S. (2021). Bubble characteristics affecting air-water exchange in open-channel flow with a jet forming over a sudden bottom drop, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 124: 110366. 影响因子3.4.
[16] Wang, H., Liu, X., Bai, R.(通讯作者), and Liu, S. (2021). Modified bottom air entrainment estimate by chute offset aerator, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 141(11): 06020016.
[17] Bai, R., Liu, S., Wang, W., and Zhang, F. (2019). Experimental investigation of bubbly flow and air entrainment discharge downstream of chute aerators, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 19(6), 1455-1468.
[18] Bai, R., Liu, S., Wang, W., and Zhang, F. (2019). Experimental investigation of the dissipation rate in a chute aerator flow, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 101: 201–208.
[19] Bai, R., Zhang, F., Wang, W., and Liu, S. (2019). Air entrainment and detrainment downstream of a chute aerator, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 31(4): 76–82.
[20] Bai, R., Liu S., Tian, Z., Wang, W., and Zhang, F. (2018). Experimental investigations on air–water flow properties of offset-aerator, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144(2): 04017059.
[21] Bai, R., Zhang, F., Liu, S., and Wang, W. (2018). Dominant factor and incremental depth formula for self-aerated flow in open channel, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 30(4): 651–656.
[22] Bai, R., Zhang, F., Liu, S., and Wang, W. (2016). Air concentration and bubble characteristics downstream of a chute aerator, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 87: 156–166. 影响因子4.1.
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